Get Off the Island
No man is an island, yet many pastors live on their own created landmasses. Since the Church Growth Movement became a thing, pastors have lived in a mindset that they compete with one another, and the attitude must stop.
Pastors are better together; after all, even Solomon wrote
that “Iron sharpens iron,
and one man
sharpens another” Proverbs 27:17
The current pandemic has created a situation in our country
where we are seeing 300 churches a week close their doors, and many of those
pastors feel lost, abandoned, and alone.
We also have a growing number of pastors entering
bi-vocational fields, where they need another job to make income. Thus, the
days of a morning coffee and prayer time is becoming less of an option, and it
would appear that no one is willing to organize meetings for bi-vocational
So what are we to do?
We need to begin becoming our own networks for one.
Hear me out on this. I’m not saying abandon the network you are
in; they are good to us, but just because they can’t scratch an itch in one
place doesn’t mean to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Another point is that we are our best advocates. Think about
it, when you go to the doctor, you’re telling your doctor the symptoms of the
issues; they aren’t guessing why you are there. They hear and make educated
choices based on their learning and experience, which we need in our circles.
If current statistics are correct, we need to act now. I’m
betting that a number of you reading this are on an island right now, thinking
of quitting, but now is the time to surround yourself with people who can
encourage and strengthen you. Will you make a choice?
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